What does the UN say about education?


Learning Mission works directly for Goal 4

“Education is the foundation that both enables us to understand and do something about the problems of the world and at the same time make life better for ourselves.”

In 2015, all world leaders adopted the most ambitious plan for the development of the planet ever: the World Goals. They are 17 concrete goals that commit all UN member states to completely eradicate poverty and hunger in the world, reduce inequalities, ensure good education and better health for all, decent jobs and more sustainable growth. They also focus on promoting peace and security and strong institutions, and on strengthening international partnerships.

Although all the world goals are important and coherent, world goal 4 is for us the most important and most influential of all the goals. Education is the foundation that both enables us to understand and do something about the problems of the world and at the same time make life better for ourselves.

To create inclusive learning environments, we must transform the school system

The book skills are only part of the overall education, which must also form the children to be able to live together peacefully and understand man’s relationship to nature. Both are important for a sustainable future, writes the UN in their latest report on the status of the world goals.

The UN writes that they want to create inclusive learning environments, and inclusion is for us about embracing children’s diversity. If we want to ensure quality education for all and promote everyone’s opportunities for lifelong learning, we simply need to transform the school system and abolish one-size-fits-all once and for all.

Learning Mission focuses in particular on our efforts around sub-goal 4.7: By 2030, all students must have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, including e.g. through education in sustainable development and a sustainable lifestyle, human rights, gender equality, the promotion of a peaceful and non-violent culture, global citizenship and the recognition of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development.

Do you want to help children & society?

To create inclusive learning environments, we must transform the school system


The book skills are only part of the overall education, which must also form the children to be able to live together peacefully and understand man’s relationship to nature. Both are important for a sustainable future, writes the UN in their latest report on the status of the world goals.

The UN writes that they want to create inclusive learning environments, and inclusion is for us about embracing children’s diversity. If we want to ensure quality education for all and promote everyone’s opportunities for lifelong learning, we simply need to transform the school system and abolish one-size-fits-all once and for all.

Learning Mission focuses in particular on our efforts around sub-goal 4.7: By 2030, all students must have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development, including e.g. through education in sustainable development and a sustainable lifestyle, human rights, gender equality, the promotion of a peaceful and non-violent culture, global citizenship and the recognition of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development.

Do you want to help children & society?

Money is important – but it’s not everything!

We need a transformative approach if the 17 world goals are to be implemented by 2030. This means that we must all fundamentally change the way we live by bringing sustainability into our daily lives. For that, we need a holistic approach, where sustainability also becomes an integral part of the school’s work and educational task. It requires that it becomes concrete for the schools what sustainability means to them.

That is why Learning Mission supports 2030-skolerneVerdenstimenAktion Verdensmål, CHORA 2030, as well as UNESCOs role in coordinating the work of achieving Objective 4.

Read more about the world goals here: